Snail Mail Notes Goes Texan.


I hinted several posts ago that Snail Mail Notes was working long nights, furiously designing new product for something important (at least to LoneStarLifer).  I had the opportunity to be a part of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas convention, selling Snail Mail Notes to the lovely Daughters.  I wanted to have a large selection of Texas-themed note cards, notepads, sticky notes, magnets.  If you read my “About” page, you know I want to become a member of the DRT.  I met a nice group of ladies and found a chapter I want to join, so I hope to begin the application process with them soon.

Earlier this spring, I had the opportunity to take a trip through the Texas Hill Country and take a media card full of new pictures.  Here is some of the finished product.

allroadsThis card was inspired by all the driving I have done around Texas.  Texas signs are just such part of the Texas landscape.

blkpost The “Texas” word was painted on the side of an old building near Round Top, TX.

sfaustinpostStephen F. Austin, The Father of Texas.  This statue is in the Stephen F. Austin State Park near San Felipe, TX.

wildpost_20100504163104_00001 I had so many good pictures of Texas wildflowers that I couldn’t use just one.  I took these pictures around Independence, Brenham, Round Top, Chappell Hill, Lago Vista, Marble Falls.

paint-flat I made a series of wildflower flat note cards that can also be used as postcards.   There are seven different cards in the series.

For a more complete look at what’s new and Texan, hop on over to Snail Mail Notes and check out the Texas page.  And if you would like to buy some, I wouldn’t complain.

All writing and photos property of LoneStarLifer 2010.

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There was no adventure he was afraid to try.

If you read the “About” on me, you know a bit of background about how I chose the name of my blog.  I am a 5th generation Texan and have been trying for years to get my rear in gear to make application to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.  You know, they are the ladies who take care of the Alamo.

Little J in an reinactment

Little J (in red) in an re-inactment on anniversary of the Alamo’s fall.

You have to prove that you have an ancestor who lived in Texas when it was a Republic.  I have more than one ancestor who would qualify me for entry, but there is one in whom I am particularly interested.

His name is Richmond Dixon.  Love the name.  He was part of the Illinois Elder Daniel Parker group which came to the area of Elkhart and established the Pilgrim Predestinarian Regular Baptist Church.  Some of that group went further west to build Fort Parker.  Fort Parker is where Cynthia Ann Parker and her family were living when Comanches attacked the fort and carried off Cynthia Ann and four other captives in 1836.

Pilgrim Predestinarian Regular Baptist Church

Pilgrim Predestinarian Regular Baptist Church

Well, that concludes the history portion of today’s post.

I want to talk about Richmond, the man.  It’s hard to believe that I am only a few generations separated from the man found in the pages of a handwritten Parker family diary.  I haven’t corrected anything except inserting some punctuation to make it easier to read.

J.R. and Richmon Dixon was the hunters.  On one occasion they found a hog hanged up in the woods. late in the eveing they concieald themselves and wated for the Indians. Just at dark two Indians came to the hog. Both aimed to fire at the same time but Dixon’s gun snaped.  (J.R.’s)? Indian fell and he said Dixon droped his gun, leaped over the log, caught the Indian and killed him with his Bowie knife before he could get his gun and get to him. At another time some Indians stole a horse and they followed them on foot to near the Trinity, close to where Barnes was killed. came up with the Indians.  they had stoped to rest. they crawled to a log in range of the camp. could see but one Indian. they fired. the Indian fell, the rest ran off and they brought the horse back. I saw the bones of the Indian.  Dixon was a powerful man, active as a cat, weighed 180, no surpalas flesh and as fearless as a lion.  There was no adventure he was afraid to try.

The last sentence is what stuck with me….there was no adventure he was afraid to try.  There are several nice things my friends could say about me, but there was no adventure she was afraid to try would not be one of them.  What a life those people led.  They traveled hundreds of miles to a place where there was no Motel 6, no IHOP, no public restrooms.  They didn’t know where water was, they had to build everything from scratch, they provided their own food, they literally didn’t know if they were going to live another day.  That puts my not being able to get in for a pedicure when I want into perspective!

I will be talking more about Richmond in a later post.  And hopefully I will be announcing one day soon that I have FINALLY gotten my paperwork ready and submitted.  Maybe putting it out into cyberspace will make me feel accountable?

Do you know anything about your ancestors? Do you find inspiration or encouragement from knowing how they lived and what they went through for us to be where we are now?  I am so grateful for what I have when I remember the path of my ancestors.

Peace to all.  P

All photographs and writing property of LoneStarLifer. 2009.